We offer fast personal service for the best value ergonomic furniture solutions supported by smart Lease-To-Own furniture finance options that help you stay one step ahead of your competitors.
Our Suppliers include:
Furniture Certification Bodies:
We aim to provide you with the best value and quality furniture for your budget. Most of our products conform to one or more of the following certifications.
AFRDI Certification is a set of standards covering strength, durability, stability and safety (and ergonomics in the case of desks and workstations). This makes a manufacturer accountable for maintaining the quality of their products by submitting them for regular auditing to ensure they meet the highest standards for Australian commercial use. There are various levels with Level 6 – Severe Commercial certification being the most rigorous.
This Australian standard is a heavy duty certification designed to cater for chairs tested to either 135kg or 160kg weight rating used for either Single Shift or MuLti-Shift 24/7 use.
This Australian standard is a heavy duty certification designed to cater for chairs tested to either 135kg or 160kg weight rating used for either Single Shift or MuLti-Shift 24/7 use.
This certification ensures the furniture is manufactured in an environmentally friendly way.
GreenTag Certification is one of the world’s most robust, trusted and widely recognised ecolabels. It independently assures that every product is tested and certified under one of two leading certification programs that use the world’s most up to date scientific testing methods. GreeTag has a well earned reputation and trust amongst thousands of buyers, hundreds of companies and numerous green building councils, certification bodies and governments around the world.
GECA (The Good Environmental Choice Australia) Ecolabelling Program, operates a national third-party, independently verified ecolabel, in conformance with Environmental labels and declarations (ISO 14024), that can be applied to a wide range of products and services. This certification gives the customer an independent, reliable and convenient way to select products and services that are certified by GECA to deliver better environmental outcomes.